About Us
Tiffany’s Bio
Growing up I knew what mental illness looked like, and I thought I was normal. I thought that everyone had to stop their great grandmother from wondering into people’s homes and listen to her talk to herself for hours on end. I just thought that’s what happened when you get old. As I got older and things got worse I realized it wasn’t normal and it was actually a mental illness called Schizophrenia.
I started doing more research about mental illness. I found out it can show up in can show up in many ways and it can be passed down like a family heirloom. I saw it begin to affect other family members and I felt helpless because there were limited things I could do. Feeling helpless lead to depression and anxiety. I started therapy and it changed my life. This began my journey as a mental health advocacy.
There are so many people struggling with mental health issues who feel stuck. There are families who can’t get help for their love ones because they don’t have the resources and don’t know how to get them. I created Tangible Minds to be a help for those people.
Tangible Minds is a non-profit and the purpose is to be an advocate for mental health awareness. I wanted Tangible Minds to be a resource for people at the end of their rope. You don’t have money for Therapy, let us help. You don’t have money for mental health prescriptions, let us help. I wanted Tangible Minds to be what I needed, when I was seeking a resource.